Ancillary Reagents

Glen Research offers the highest level of Quality Assurance for reagents for DNA and RNA synthesis - Sterling Quality and Performance. All solvents and reagents are prepared to our exacting specifications to ensure the highest synthesis efficiency and are passed through a 0.2 micron filter during packaging to eliminate particulate contamination.Solutions

Explore Ancillary Reagents for Oligonucleotide Synthesis

Glen Research activators for oligonucleotide synthesis are produced and packaged to ensure the highest performance on commercial synthesizers.

Our capping reagents are produced and packaged to ensure the highest performance on commercial oliognucleotide synthesizers.

Glen Research deblocking reagents are produced and packaged to ensure the highest performance on commercial synthesizers.

Glen Research diluents and wash reagents are produced and packaged to ensure the highest performance on commercial synthesizers.

Glen Research oxidation reagents for oligonucleotide synthesis are produced and packaged to ensure the highest performance on commercial synthesizers.

Sulfurizing Reagents are used to prepare phosphorothioate linkages using CE phosphoramidite chemistry.

UltraMild DNA synthesis reagents are available for use when DNA bases and labels are not compatible with ammonium hydroxide deprotection.