
Glen Research offers the highest level of Quality Assurance for reagents for DNA and RNA synthesis - Sterling Quality and Performance. All solvents and reagents are prepared to our exacting specifications to ensure the highest synthesis efficiency and are passed through a 0.2 micron filter during packaging to eliminate particulate contamination.

Explore Activators

Glen Research offers Tetrazole in suitable bottles and formulations for use on various DNA synthesizers.

Glen Research offers 5-Ethylthio-1H-Tetrazole in suitable bottles and formulations for use on various DNA synthesizers.

Glen Research offers 4,5-Dicyanoimidazole (DCI) in suitable bottles and formulations for use on various DNA synthesizers.

Glen Research offers 5-Benzylthio-1H-tetrazole (BTT) in suitable bottles and formulations for use on various DNA synthesizers.

We offer many of our activators in powder form.