In no particular order and for no reason other than the fact that they exist, we introduce some new and interesting compounds.
We bring the useful features of uncharged backbone linkages to the field of 2'-OMe-RNA.
2'-OMe-RNA Methyl Phosphonamidites have been discontinued
Maybe you would like to attach a label directly to the 5' end of a sequence, or maybe you would like to attach a peptide or PNA sequence to an oligo. If so, then this might be the answer you have been looking for 5'-amino, 5'-deoxy-Thymidine CE phosphoramidite.
5'-Amino-dT-CE Phosphoramidite (10-1932)
This 3-deaza-5-aza-C (Reverse C) derivative has the potential to mimic in oligonucleotides 5-azacytidine, a DNA methylase inhibitor. Its ability to bind as a C will likely be diminished.
2'-OMe-deaza-5-aza-C has been discontinued.