All of the trimers are available individually so the researchers can prepare custom trimer mixes. Two pre-made catalog trimer mixes are available: 13-1991-xx, for incorporating all 20 amino acid codons equally into a sequence and 13-1992-xx, for incorporating 19 amino acid codons (-Cys). For a custom trimer mix of a particular subset of codons or a trimer mix that represents a set of trimers that is biased toward a particular codon or codons, please contact [email protected] for a quotation and projected delivery date.
Coupling: 15 minute coupling time recommended.
Deprotection: 30% NH4OH for 17 hours at room temperature followed by an additional 4 hours at 55°C.
Anhydrous Acetonitrile/Dichloromethane 1:3 (v/v)
Freezer storage, -10 to -30�C, dry
2-3 days
Dilution/Coupling Data
The table below show pack size data and, for solutions, dilution and approximate coupling based on normal priming procedures.