5'-Dabcyl Phosphoramidite


Product Specifications

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A molecular beacon probe1 has its natural fluorescence quenched in solution unless it is hybridized to the target sequence. Consequently, the design of a molecular beacon requires a fluorophore to be in one part of the sequence and the quencher molecule to be in another, with both molecules being separated from the oligonucleotide by a hydrocarbon spacer. The Dabcyl group has been found to be a universal quencher. 3'-Dabsyl CPG and 3'-Dabcyl CPG are used to prepare probes with the quencher blocking the 3'-terminus. 5'-Dabcyl Phosphoramidite locates the quencher at the 5'-terminus and Dabcyl-dT places it within the sequence, leaving the 3'-terminus available for polymerase extension.



  • Coupling: 6 minute coupling time recommended
  • Deprotection: No changes needed from standard method recommended by synthesizer manufacturer.
Diluent Anhydrous Acetonitrile
Storage Freezer storage, -10 to -30°C, dry
Stability 2-3 days

Dilution/Coupling Data

The table below show pack size data and, for solutions, dilution and approximate coupling based on normal priming procedures.

ABI 392/394

Catalog # Pack Size Grams/Pack 0.1M Dil. (mL) Approximate Number of Additions
LV40 LV200 40nm 0.2μm 1μm 10μm
10-5912-02 0.25 g .25grams 4.4 133.33 80 50 36.36 26.67 6.67
10-5912-90 100 µmol .057grams 1 20 12 7.5 5.45 4 1
10-5912-95 50 µmol .028grams 0.5 3.33 2 1.25 0.91 0.67 0.17


Catalog # Pack Size Grams/Pack Dilution (mL) Approximate Number of Additions
Molarity 50nm 0.2μm 1μm 15μm
10-5912-02 0.25 g .25grams 6.56 0.07 124.8 78 56.73 7.8
10-5912-90 100 µmol .057grams 1.5 0.07 23.6 14.75 10.73 1.48
10-5912-95 50 µmol .028grams 0.75 0.07 8.6 5.38 3.91 0.54


1 S. Tyagi and F.R. Kramer, Nature Biotechnology, 1996, 4, 303-308.

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