Cholesteryl-TEG Phosphoramidite


Product Specifications

CAS Number:
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Potential therapeutic oligonucleotides must permeate the cell membrane for optimal activity. The addition of lipophilic groups to an oligonucleotide would be expected to enhance cellular uptake/membrane permeation. The use of Cholesterol-labelled oligos and the consequent improvement in activity has been described. We have designed our Cholesteryl products with triethyleneglycol (TEG) spacers for maximum solubility.



  • Coupling: 15 minute coupling time. To maintain label yield, carry out the synthesis DMT-on.
  • Deprotection: To maintain label yield as a 5' modifier, cleave and deprotect as required by nucleobases and then remove the DMT group.  Alternatively, treat column with 10% diethylamine in acetonitrile for 2 minutes at room temperature (2x) to remove cyanoethyl protecting groups and rinse with ACN. At this point, the DMT group may be safely removed without loss of label during deprotection.
Diluent 10% THF in Anhydrous Acetonitrile
Storage Freezer storage, -10 to -30°C, dry
Stability 2-3 days

Dilution/Coupling Data

The table below show pack size data and, for solutions, dilution and approximate coupling based on normal priming procedures.

ABI 392/394

Catalog # Pack Size Grams/Pack 0.1M Dil. (mL) Approximate Number of Additions
LV40 LV200 40nm 0.2μm 1μm 10μm
10-1975-02 0.25 g .25grams 2.09 56.33 33.8 21.13 15.36 11.27 2.82
10-1975-90 100 µmol .12grams 1 20 12 7.5 5.45 4 1
10-1975-95 50 µmol .06grams 0.5 3.33 2 1.25 0.91 0.67 0.17


Catalog # Pack Size Grams/Pack Dilution (mL) Approximate Number of Additions
Molarity 50nm 0.2μm 1μm 15μm
10-1975-02 0.25 g .25grams 3.12 0.07 56 35 25.45 3.5
10-1975-90 100 µmol .12grams 1.5 0.07 23.6 14.75 10.73 1.48
10-1975-95 50 µmol .06grams 0.75 0.07 8.6 5.38 3.91 0.54